Coaching: Adult Groups
Adult Group Coaching
Adult Group Coaching is split into 3 Levels:
Beginners: For beginners and players returning to the game
Intermediates: For players with good fundamental skills but not at team level
Advanced: An advanced session for players of a high team standard

Course Details:
All sessions are 90 minutes long
12:1 Player to Coach Ratio
First Lesson just £5 to try
Monthly Direct Debit Members can come to as many sessions as they like for just £9 per week
Single Lesson: £16.50
Block of 6 Lessons: £90
Monthly Direct Debit: £36
See our weekly schedule below.
If you can't find the course you are looking for or you are having issues booking please refresh your page or try another browser. If still unable to access booking page please use are contact us form and we will be happy to assist.

What to Expect from your Lesson?
A fun filled 90 minute session with other players of similar standard and ambition.
An expert coach from a professional team with thousands of hours of on court experience
Games, drills and exercises designed to allow all players an opportunity to learn and develop at their own pace.
Advice on equipment, further playing opportunities and competitions.